A podcast for waterfowl hunters, outdoorsman and fisherman alike. The main focus of our podcast is to bring you the most up to date information, interesting content, and maybe something that will make your day better. In order, podcast will focus on Duck and Goose hunting, Deer hunting, Turkey hunting, and fishing.

Thursday Dec 05, 2019
"The Innovator" Part X: "Grinding It Out"
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
In this edition of The End Of The Line podcast, Ramsey and I are joined by Ira for part ten of "The Innovator." Today, as Habitat Flats starts to take off, so does the vet clinic and Momarsh all at the same time. How does Ira handle it all? Where did the idea for "The Dangler" come from? All this and more today!

Monday Dec 02, 2019
Monday Dec 02, 2019
In this edition of The End Of The Line podcast, I am joined by Rob for another episode of Monday's With Rob. Today, we open it up talking about the duck opener in Ar, Ms, La, and Tn. How was it for him? What does he expect for the future? Then, we talk iron bowl and the craziness surrounding it. Finally, We walk through the timeline of events that have happened at Ole Miss over the past two weeks. From beginning to end, we cover all the details and who we hope to see on the sideline next year for the rebels.

Friday Nov 22, 2019
Friday Nov 22, 2019
In this edition of The End Of The Line podcast, Ramsey is joined by Pacific Flyway DU Development Director, Jessop Boden. What makes the Great Salt Lake one of the places of richest heritage in duck Hunting?How big of a role did market hunting play in the growth of waterfowling in Utah? What makes it a bucket list hunt for most waterfowlers? What makes the habitat so unique that from one spot to the next determines the type of ducks you shoot? Really great podcast with a lot of great info about the Great Salt Lake.

Friday Nov 22, 2019
"The Innovator" Part IX: "Building The Mecca, Habitat Flats"
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Friday Nov 22, 2019
In this edition of The End Of The Line podcast, I am joined by Ira and Ramsey for another episode of "The Innovator." In the opening, we talk about Ramsey's recent trip up to Locust Grove Grove to hunt with Ira. Then, Ir a rates the season so far and his thoughts on the numbers. Then, we get back into the story. We talk about how Habitat Flats all came about today. From beginning until now. How did him and Tony meet? How did the partners put together the key piece of property to make Habitat Flats what it is? How fast did it go and grow? Find out today!

Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Monday's With Rob: It's Here
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
In this edition of The End Of The line podcast, I am joined by Rob Croom for another episode of Monday's With Rob. Today, we visit about the opener from this past weekend. Leaf raking opened up this past weekend and Tn had one of the best it has ever had in the last twenty years. We visit about the state of the SEC. What happens in the playoff? Who do we most like and most hate in the SEC? Finally, We talk about the change to instagram and Rob's commercial from last week

Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
In this edition of The End Of The Line podcast, I am joined by Rob Croom for another episode of Monday's With Rob. Today, we talk about the the college football weekend. We has out the LSU/Al game and will Alabama make it to the playoff. We discuss the situation in Arkansas. Finally, with the big front moving in last night, we discuss duck season. What can we expect in the south? Do we agree?

Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
In this edition of The End Of The Line podcast, Ramsey is joined by Ryan Reynolds of Ryan's Outdoor Services. Ramsey and Forrest took a long weekend a few weeks back to Canada for a hunt with Ryan. After the hunt, Ramsey sits down with Ryan, a Canadian waterfowl expert and panel member that makes recommendations to the Canadian govt on migratory game laws. The guys talk about the common sense changes to laws that have taken place in Canada in the past year. It makes for a interesting episode and to say the least, here's to hoping it happens in the US in the near future.

Wednesday Nov 06, 2019
"The Call Maker" Part VIII: "It Ends Right Where It Started"
Wednesday Nov 06, 2019
Wednesday Nov 06, 2019
In this edition of The End Of The Line podcast, Josh and I get together for the final episode of "The Call Maker." Today, we talk about the mobile shop and what it has done for his business. Then, we spend a few minutes talking about Filson and how that relationship has helped his business tremendously. Finally, we close it out looking into the future.

Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Remembering a Legend With Jake Latendresse
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
In this edition of The End Of The Line podcast, Jake and I get together and discuss the father of outdoor TV. Sunday morning, we lost a great one in Jerry McKinnis. He lived a life making outdoor tv a part of all hunters and fishermen's lives. He and his family played a huge part in Jake's life. Jake got to spend his last fishing adventure with him before going into the hospital and he tells about that today. He filmed Mr. Jerry on a fishing trip to Wyoming a few weeks back and shared some intimate moments with him. He talks about that today.

Monday Nov 04, 2019
Monday Nov 04, 2019
In this edition of The End Of The Line podcast, I am joined by Rob Croom for another edition of Monday's With Rob. Today has everything you would expect from from Monday's with Rob. It has football, boobs, burglaries, firing of coaches, and expert guesses on what is going to happen with the LSU/AL game this weekend.